
Classical truffle, 100 grams

Freshcacao0203 1 3Freshcacao0203 1 9
Freshcacao0203 1 3Freshcacao0203 1 9
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Bean-to-bar chocolate!

A classical truffle sweet

It is the most famous chocolate sweet in the world.

It is cooked according to a French recipe on the basis of tender cream ganache. A sweet is covered with a thin layer of Fresh Cacao brand chocolate and sprinkled with cocoa powder of high quality.

Attention! All the ingredients used in cooking of truffles Fresh Cacao are organic ones.

Self life of the sweets at temperature +3 - 5 degrees Celsius is no more than 25 days.

It is 14 days at temperature +5 -10 degrees Celsius and 7 days at temperature above 10 degrees Celsius.

You can ask for the wholesale prices by addressing a letter on info@freshcacao.ru

All products series 'Truffles and other desserts'

Состав: шоколад 60% (какао тертое, масло какао, тростниковый сахар), сливки, сорбитол, какао тёртое, сливочное масло, сахар, декстроза.

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