
Salted caramel truffle, 100 grams

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Salted caramel truffle sweet

It is cooked according to a French recipe on basis of tender cream ganache with an addition of sea salt.

Its self live is 5 months.

Storage conditions: keep at temperature from +10 to +18 degrees Celsius, relative humidity should be no more than 75%

Attention! All the ingredients used in cooking of truffles Fresh Cacao are organic ones.

You can ask for the wholesale prices by addressing a letter on info@freshcacao.ru

All products series 'Truffles and other desserts'

Состав: тростниковый сахар, пастеризованные сливки, сироп глюкозы, сливочное масло, тертое какао, вафельная крошка, морская соль.

Пищевая ценность на 100г: Белки 1,75г Жиры 26г Углеводы 55,6г
Энергетическая ценность на 100г: 424,3Ккал/ 1775 Кдж

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